Mihi | Credits
Ngā Tapuwae ki Te Papa | Footprints on Te Papa is an update of the Historic Tauranga, Te Papa | Heart of
Tauranga brochure produced in 2003 by Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga and Jinty Rorke (1943-2014), et al.
Historic Tauranga - Ngā Tapuwae ki Te Papa |
Footprints on Te Papa
This publication would never have made it to print, or indeed onto the web, without the commitment, mahi (hard work),
and goodwill of the people and organisations listed here. It has been a privilege to work with so many people who
are willing to go the extra mile, not only for their community, but to help preserve the heritage of our
beautiful city for future generations. We take this opportunity to give a special thank you to Debbie McCauley, Author, who has researched and written all 72 listings and walked that extra mile with others to bring these stories to life for us all.
- Heritage New Zealand Pouhere Taonga
- Mauao Publishing
- Sun Media Limited
- Tauranga City Council
- The Elms | Te Papa Tauranga
GOLD Partners
- Sharp Tudhope Lawyers
- Tourism Bay of Plenty
- Shirley Arabin
- Kathryn Bluett-Atvars
- Rosalie Liddle Crawford
- Paul Cuming (Flora & Fauna)
- Dean Flavell
- Fiona Kean
- Debbie McCauley
- Buddy Mikaere
- Aurere Thatcher
- Jack Thatcher
Image Credits
- © Debbie McCauley
- Tauranga Heritage Collection
- Tauranga City Libraries
- Law Creative
- Michelle Reynolds