Orokohanga Poutama A Western Bo P Heritage Strategy 12 9 23 timelineThis Historical pathway is for the development of Tauranga City. For an expanded timeline, putting these events into a wider context, click the link below.
c.925-1500 Kupe, visitors and first arrivals: Tākitimu, Te Arawa, Mātaatua
1826 HMS Herald first ship arrived: missionaries visits and trading in potato, flax, pigs.
1828 Ōtamataha Pā Massacre.
1835 Capt. Thomas Wing charts Te Awanui | Tauranga Harbour.
1835 The Church Missionary Society establishes Te Papa Mission Station. Today: The Elms | Te Papa.
1840 Te Tiriti o Waitangi | The Treaty of Waitangi is signed in Tauranga.
1847 The kauri Mission House at The Elms Te Te Papa was built and is still standing today
1852 Cmdr. Byron Drury surveys Te Awanui | Tauranga Harbour.
1864 New Zealand Wars (Battle of Gate Pā | Pukehinahina & Te Ranga). Raupatu (confiscation) of land from Māori.
1867 Land taken by raupatu is subdivided and given to military settlers, founding the township of Tauranga.
1882 Tauranga gazetted as a Borough. First mayor elected.
1963 Tauranga becomes a city for the first time, but reforms in 1989 see the city status lost.
1987 Land protests (Lot 45 – Town Hall).
2004 City Status: when the population reaches 100,000 Tauranga legally becomes a city for a second time.
2012 Crown acknowledges responsibility for the 1864 battles and raupatu.
2018 Anglican Church formally apologises to mana whenua for giving away their land.
2020 11 Mission Street (adjacent to The Elms | Te Papa) is gifted back to Ōtamataha Trust.
2022 Ongoing land negotiations.
More information:
Expanded Tauranga timeline here